December 11, 2014

Heartryoshka (The Heart Matryoshka)

Thinking of cute and original anniversary gifts, I came up with the idea of creating a Heartryoshka. For those of you who don't know what Matryoshkas are, this is how these iconic dolls look like:

Matryoshkas (also known as Babushkas) are Russian nesting dolls carved out of wood. They consist in a number of dolls painted to look the same or similar, but each of them is smaller than the next one in order to fit them all inside each other. Matryoshkas can come in many shapes, sizes, numbers and themes: from sets of three to sets of twenty, or from traditional Russian motive dolls to funny-themed ones.

Monster-themed Matryoshkas

In this case I made felt hearts that fit inside each other. My Heartryoshka is a set of six hearts of different colors, with the last one holding the initials of the two lovers. The making process is quite simple:

1. Cut as many pairs of felt hearts as you need to create your Heartryoshka. Measure each heart before cutting it to make sure it will fit inside the immediate larger one.
2. Sew together the edges of each pair together and cut a slit across the middle of one of the heart's sides. Sew those edges too (be careful, you don't wanna sew it against the other half).
3. Decorate the smallest heart if you want to. I sewed the foam initials carefully.
4. Put each heart inside each other and you're ready to go!

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